Easter has always been a favorite holiday of mine. It arrived with candy, a treasure hunt of eggs and in this picture from the 1970's- a large stuffed bunny!
Even my favorite commercial on TV was the Cadbury Bunny. Oh, how I love my creme eggs which are only available this time of year (another reason to be excited for Easter.) However in the UK- Cadbury Creme Eggs are on the shelves year round.
Anyway- since the Cadbury eggs aren't an Easter exclusive in the UK- they didn't have the Cadbury Bunny commercials.
Ha- and in searching for an old commercial to post here, I realize in my mind I'd merged the M&M "thank you Easter Bunny" commercial with the Cadbury bunny. No wonder people in London had no idea what I was talking about when I imitated the commercial, "Thank you Easter Bunny! Bok Bok!" But then I got used to saying things people who spoke English didn't understand.
I thought maybe I was on to something considering the Cadbury buyout in 2010- but again, upon looking it up, Kraft bought Cadbury. Why did I think it was Hershey? ***here is an update - since my newly purchased Creme Egg says Hershey on it... I checked in with Wikipedia. Here is what whomever says:
Creme Eggs are produced by Cadbury UK in the United Kingdom and by Cadbury Adams in Canada. They are sold by Kraft Foods in all markets except the USA, where the Hershey Company has the local marketing rights.
Here is the M&M commercial-
And here is an old Cadbury Bunny commercial. Still love it.

This pic to the left is from Stamford Town Center, but the others are at Westfield Trumbull.
Wouldn't you know it the first mall I go to in London is a WESTFIELD?
Yes, I checked. Same company. There is also a Westfield in STRATFORD- Stratford, East London. It's near the new Olympic stadium. You will probably hear quite a bit about Stratford late this summer during the Olympics.
I just think it's funny- Westfield Trumbull is in Trumbull, CT.
Westfield Connecticut Post Mall is in Milford, CT.
and Westfield Stratford is in Stratford, East London. (For people not familiar with Connecticut, Stratford, CT is between Trumbull and Milford.)