In honor of New York City and my Willamena who is now 14-years-old...

we take a look back to past Howl-oween jaunts.

Click here for THE WILLAMENA NEW YORK CITY HAUNTED TOUR It's the official tour of Willamena's favorite haunted spots in New York City. No costume was needed for this trek across the city.

However, the next year, Mena found a phone booth on the Upper West Side to transform from Clark Kennel to SUPERMENA! Click here... It's SUPERMENA!

Mena the Mutt-ador
In a land of labra- doodles and other hybrids- we decided since Mena was part MUTT and part labrADOR, she had to dress as a MUTT-ADOR.
She visited the Bowling Green Bull in NYC. and here...

Willamena has traded Central Park for Central Texas in her retirement years.