Every Four

Four years might be the life span for a computer.
Back in January of 2008 I was celebrating my new Mac Book Pro. (Read the blog post here)I was really excited about all the igadgets I would be needing.

Now, four years later, celebrate isn't the term I'd use for things I say out loud while using my laptop. Actually, it's not that bad. It just needs more memory and an electrical outlet nearby. The laptop has to always be plugged in because the machine keeps killing the internal battery.

But I do have another computer and I can use my Mac Book Pro as an external drive. I bought a special cord- and if you hold down "ALT T" as you turn on the computer you want to use as the file source, you can drag and drop and access all your content. Well, most of it.
This weekend while staying with a friend in Austin she told me her computer is four years old and she also has to keep it plugged in. Her other problem is her N. It doesn't work well. You have hit it really hard. It made me realize how often I type New York. And, no getting around not using N in Austin. (See I used N in every word?)
N-nee way...
While in Austin I heard the *n*ews Apple is dramatically increasing the size of it's headquarters there.
Then I drove to the Apple store at the Domain and bought an iPad Camera Connection Kit. For 30-dollars the two adaptors allow you to import pictures and video from an SD Card or USB.
Which basically means I now have a USB inport for my iPad. (N-port:)
Too bad I saw the sign in the window reminding me I need a new iPad. The third generation has now been out for a while. I'm still using the first one- and it's doing just fine. I bought mine in April 2010 so using the four year rule, I should have two more years to go! iPhones are a different different story. I've bought four in the past two years. Only one still works (despite it's busted screen and broken status.)

Back in 08 when my shiny new laptop was full of free GB and hope, it was a year of election coverage.
Read about the use of twitter in the 08 elections on our way to November 4th of that year. Every four. Hmmm does anyone know anything about numerology? Are we living in quads? I did in college. Here's to the next quantum leap.